Wednesday, July 21, 2010

1.5 Gundam From Gundam 00 Side Story

Remember the figure I bought last month? Well, I finish it in a week time, but thanks to my room condition *full of dust* I can't access to my room corner to take pic. Enough talk, lets see my result of the figure this time.

This is the full view of the 1.5 Gundam, together with its backpack

One thing good about this figure is its weapon handling, usually the HG figures weapon handling is not perfect, the weapon tend to drop left or right side causing many troubles, but for this figure, there is another grip below the gun to enable a better gun handling.

For the shield, its quite common for the MS in the 00 series to use this shield, if not mistaken, it is quite similar with Exia & Nadleeh shield.

One thing good about this figures leg is the flexibility, as the picture above shows, you can make it more balance to pose. If you prefer other poses that does not need a good balancing on its leg, you can pose the leg like the second picture above.

One simple post with the backpack.

The front and back view of the figure without the backpack. And the third pic shows one of the joints that this figure offers is that............erm...... to provide more realistic pose. *I guess*

Lastly, one close up picture of the figure. Do let me know if you have any comments or other opinions :)